Services  ( 服务项目 )

1. Personal tailored hunting and full course sightseeing activities. (私人定制狩猎和完整的观光活动 ) 

2.  Personal tailored fishing in lake Michigan (私人定制密歇根湖独享钓鱼乐趣)

3. Hunting game trophies and mounts may be made and shipped to customers based on requests. Cost will be attached.( 部分猎物可以制成标本按照客户要求寄回指定地点。 费用另议)

4. Hunting videos and albums may be provided for customers.(条件允许的情况下可为客户提供摄像及摄影服务)

5. After hunting, according to customer's requirements we may provide itinerary of the next trip. (狩猎活动之后可按客户要求提供下一行程服务。费用另议)

About Us

Magic Dream was established in 2017, the company's history was created in 2008. The sightseeing is another emerging project of the company. Our company's goal is to make activities easy and exciting. Headquartered in the Wisconsin, we specialize in providing wonderful hunting experiences to each client. Whether you are looking for a hunting area or a interested animal species, we may provide you with an unforgettable vacation. 
Contact us for more information.

Magic Dream 筹划于2017年,总公司史创于2008年,此旅游项目为公司的又一新兴产业 . 总部位于威斯康辛州,我们专注于为每位客户提供狩猎旅行套餐服务。无论您是寻找狩猎地区,或是专属动物,我们都可以帮助您度过一个难忘的假期。我们致力于提供卓越的服务,我们将负责所有细节,以便您在本次旅行之前就能开始放松心情迎接这次狩猎之旅。请联系我们以了解更多信息。

Contact Us (联系信息)

E-mail : [email protected]
We chat : MagicDream2018
Address : P.O.BOX 5141
                        DE PERE , WI  54115