Service ( 服务项目 )

1. Personal tailored hunting and full course sightseeing activities. (私人定制狩猎和完整的狩猎活动 )
2. Personal tailored fishing lake Michigan (私人定制密歇根湖独享钓鱼乐趣)
3. Hunting game trophies and mounts may be made and shipped to customer requests. ( 部分猎物可以制成标本按照客户要求寄回指定地点。 费用另议)
4. Hunting video and album may be provided for customers.(条件允许的情况下可为客户提供摄像及摄影服务)
5. After hunting according to customer's requirement we can provide the next trip. (狩猎活动之后可按客户要求提供下一行程服务。费用另议)